Fairytale town stories
Once upon a time.....there was
a little girl with golden hair,
a little boy with who told a lot of lies,
a witch with a house made of sugar,
a queen of hearts who was very very shrill,
a little prince who lived on a planet,
a little girl who was not afraid of wolves,
a brave tin soldier who fell in love with a ballerina,
a boy who had all his wishes come true,
a queen whose heart was made of ice,
a boy who stole a golden goose,
a boy who never grew up,
a girl who loved glass slippers,
a little mermaid who fell in love with a prince,
a very spoilt princess who wanted to sleep on a pile of mattresses
a clever little pig with a brick house and two silly brothers
a good-natured beast who won the heart of a beauty
three hardworking elves who earned new clothes
a clever little boy who outsmarted a giant
a fair girl with very very long hair who enchanted a prince
...and many many others who after many adventures lived happily ever after.

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Porcelain mug in a gift box

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